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Posts categorized under: Dating

The reality of dating apps

I have been working inside a dating app for a few months and there are a lot of interesting things.

This article is going to be without any structure as there are many things to say.

I will mostly ignore homosexual interactions. Not because they don't exist, just because it …

Save money and uninstall Tinder

TLDR: Tinder is a dating app with girls looking for followers on insta, super attractive guys looking for sex, and non-super attractive guys paying for swiping on hot models. The likely next evolution of Tinder is to make the chat a feature

I assume you already know what is Tinder …

How to get over your ex, the rational way

I'm not used to talk about topics which are highly present on the web, but I feel like I can offer an alternative approach on this one

Do you know Anki ? This is a software which has popularized the spaced repetition learning technique. The principle of this technique is that …

How to be successful on dating apps (Girls version)

For a few years dating apps have been becoming one of the most frequent way people date new people. But a lot of people hate them, complain about them and tell they are not efficient.

The article is aiming at describing the best way to use dating apps when you …